just scratchin’ that itch*

It’s always there for me, the desire to capture what I see and hold it for a while.  But there isn’t always the time or convenience to tote around my digital SLR camera.  This is one of the reasons I love my droid phone.   About a month ago I was able to upgrade to a better device, and I have to say, I am really loving all the features on it.  The camera is my fave non-phone feature, no surprise there!

So I have been satisfying that itch when I come across a scene that begs to be captured.  Here is a collection of some things I have seen in the past month; from frequent walks in a local city park, a recent garden / nursery tour I went on and of course a few shots from my own garden.  Enjoy!


(if you click the first photo a carousel will open to view the images larger)